Collie Health Service’s new operating theatre opens as part of a $14.7 million spend on hospital upgrades

Patients at a South West hospital will be cared for in some of the State’s most modern facilities as a major part of upgrade works finish.
A new operating theatre has reached practical competition at the Collie Health Service, with the first patients welcomed into the facility on May 16.
It is a key milestone in the $14.7 million upgrade of the town’s hospital, which includes a new consulting room and improvements to the theatre waiting room, reception and telehealth facilities.
Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson said the upgrades would provide contemporary healthcare facilities for Collie residents.
“The new operating theatre features state-of-the-art technology and amenities and will significantly enhance the experience of patients and staff,” she said.
Ms Sanderson said other improvement works were expected to the completed in the “near future”.
Collie-Preston MLA Jodie Hanns described the completion of the theatre as “an exciting milestone”.
“The redevelopment of the Collie Health Service will deliver huge benefits for patients and their families,” she said.
Some of the other upgrades to the hospital include work on the heating, cooling and ventilation systems, improvements to electrical systems and car park lighting, and the replacement of hot water systems.
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