Park’s newest and cutest residents named

Bunbury’s newest and cutest residents have officially been named.
The two pure-bred alpine dingo pups arrived at the Bunbury Wildlife Park earlier this month and have since been named through a schools naming competition.

Students from Djidi Djidi Aboriginal School had the honour of naming the male dingo Kaal, which is Noongar for fire.
While Cooinda Primary School’s room 13 Year 5-6 class has given the female dingo the Noongar name Merrick, meaning enchantment.

A special ceremony hosted by Bunbury Mayor Gary Brennan was held at the park this morning where everyone involved in the dingo project was invited for the announcement of the names.

The pups were named thanks to local school children and shoppers who took part in a competition that was run to determine what the cute new arrivals would be called.

A Bunbury City Council spokesman thanked the schools which were involved, along with major sponsors in Bunbury Forum Shopping Centre and key contributors LD Total, Holcim, Bunbury Prison Pre-Release Unit, APH, Versace Lime and Jetline.

The community is invited to celebrate the arrival of the cutest new residents at the Bunbury Wildlife Park with a “Welcome the Dingoes” event on this weekend.

The official welcoming weekend will include the opportunity to see the park’s latest additions in their purpose-built enclosure, free face painting, a sausage sizzle and also dingo merchandise at special prices.

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