
Play craze “rocks’ Bunbury

Cecilia AllenSouth Western Times
Sisters Ruby, 7 and Renae Farrell 4, enjoy taking part in the latest nature play craze - the WA Rocks movement.
Camera IconSisters Ruby, 7 and Renae Farrell 4, enjoy taking part in the latest nature play craze - the WA Rocks movement. Credit: Jon Gellweiler / South Western Times

The latest nature play craze has hit Bunbury, with "rockers" encouraging families to take part in WA Rock movement.

WA Rocks was founded by Byford resident Alana Stevenson to get kids more involved in nature play, exploration, creativity, art and fun.

The concept was inspired by a similar movement in New Zealand.

The idea is for families to paint rocks and then hide them in parks and similar places around town, then put a message up on the WA Rocks Facebook page to say where you have left them.

Once people find a rock they can either keep it or re-hide it.

Participants are also encouraged to paint WA Rocks and the Facebook symbol on the back of their rock.

Facebook admin Kelsey Penny, of Yarloop, said the WA Rocks Facebook page was represented by people from all over WA and have had more than 40,000 members join in just three months.

There are now Facebook groups in each State inspired by WA Rocks.

“It’s getting back to basics, getting kids out and away from technology,” she said.

Miss Penny said rocks travelled as far as Esperance, Carnarvon with some even being found behind the Hollywood sign, Niagara Falls and Paris.

“Anyone can be involved, just grab a rock and decorate,” Miss Penny said.

“It brings a lot of joy to people when they find them.”

Yarloop resident, nine-year-old Sabriya Hayter said her favourite part of WA Rocks was decorating them.

“You can use your imagination and it’s exciting to see what the rocks turn out like,” she said.

Five-year-old James Habgood, of Bunbury, said his favourite part was finding rocks and exploring new parks.

Visit WA Rocks Facebook page for more information.

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